Ethiopia Limu Oromia Grade 2
25,00 €
Single origin
100% Arabica
Fully washed
Fairtrade and Organic Certified.
The Oromia Coffee Farmers’ Co-operative Union (OCFCU) was founded in June 1999, and is the largest Fair Trade coffee producer in Ethiopia. The co-operative requested and received permission from the government to become a direct exporter of its members coffee, therefore bypassing the central auction and giving more control and market share to the producer.
Traditionally agrochemicals have never been used; instead environmentally sound methods developed over generations have thrived. All of the coffee is shade grown amongst acacias and oaks. The fallen leaves and decaying plant matter, along with animal manure, help to enrich the soil. The coffee bushes are interspersed with plants such as cardamom and ginger, fruits such as papaya, mangoes and avocadoes, and root crops such as sweet potatoes. This intercropping helps to enhance the fertility of the soil, further enriching this already chemical free area.
Revenue from Fairtrade sales have allowed co-operative members to purchase two washing stations, and Oromia has developed a fund for the repair of de-pulping machines to safeguard the organisations capacity to produce high quality, washed Arabica. The co-operative provides technical assistance to its members, including workshops on composting the by-products of coffee production and utilising shade trees and natural fertilisers to enrich the soil.
Tasting Notes: Soft apricot notes upfront. Toasty cocoa and malt throughout and a mellow citrus acid.
Cupping Score: Internal Score: 81.75
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